Regular Right Guy

Full Caf Americano®

Bombing Syria? Yeah, Let’s Think About That

thI’ve purposely stayed off of Syria, because I am an openly Islamophobic straight white male seeking a single, married, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, man, woman or trained chimpanzee with a B-2 bomber and a full payload of 250 megaton nuclear devices to exterminate Islam from the face of the earth.

Okay, I am really just kidding this time. sort of.

But what do we know about Syria and Bashar al-Assad‘s use of chemical weapons on ‘rebels’ in that country’s civil war?

Not nearly enough to go overthrowing a dictator or even interfere in their war. That is for certain.

First, there is no hard evidence tying Assad to chemical attacks against the rebels.

Secondly, Walid Shoebat and David Horowitz have been saying for months that Syrian rebels (code for Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, name your favorite Muslim psychopath) initiated the chemical attacks of the innocents, not the Syrian regime.

And when former commie radicals and former MB leaders speak, I listen.

Now the Obama administration has an opposing opinion, and we should listen to it… before we remember that the Bush administration was danged old West Texas positive that Saddam Hussein had WMDs in Iraq when we invaded in 2003.

Bush was just slow; Barack Obama is acting more like a Muslim every day he is in office. He is at the least incompetent and at worst a jihadist sympathizer.

Besides, as evil as he may be, Assad is fighting his war like Americans should be fighting ours (barring, of course, the alleged use of bio/chems): By killing everything that is not dressed appropriately. [See Sherman’s March to the Sea]

Hot Air via Memeorandum:

 According to the leaks that the media have amplified over the last week or so, the evidence is clear that the Syrian army used chemical weapons against rebels in a Damascus suburb, indiscriminately killing hundreds of civilians.  Barack Obama insisted yesterday in a PBS interview that only the Bashar al-Assad regime possessed the chemical weapons used in the attack, and that radio intercepts showed that Assad’s military ordered the attack.  A UN inspection team hasn’t yet finalized its report on exactly what was used, but even if the above is true — and it was always more likely that the army conducted the attack than the rebels — did the order to use the weapons come from on high, or from a rogue commander on the ground?

According to the AP and New York Times … no one really knows. The most recent AP report says that the US intel community says the Assad connection is no “slam dunk”: [more]

So, we have a plethora of suspects on the table here. Well, not on the table, otherwise  we could waterboard the SOBs and learn the truth in a couple hours. But suspects none the  less.

The acronym IED comes to mind here. There has not yet been found a weapon on earth that a determined militant extremist cannot improvise.

Nor it is a stretch to believe that al Qaeda or Hamas got to a high-up in Assad’s military and accessed one or more of these weapons.

Yes, Bashar al-Assad is a bad actor (he’s the one with the flat head), not as bad an actor as Barack Obama (he’s the one with the big ears), but bad.

But Israel has had the flat-headed guy in a cage for over a decade. Al Qaeda is in this fight and we are once again in a sort the Muslims situation, where the good guys are virtually indiscernible from the bad.

Regular Right Guy is so with Governor Sarah Palin on this, from her earliest statements.

The Blaze:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin scoffed at President Barack Obama’s decision to begin arming the Syrian rebels, saying that until the U.S. has a commander in chief that knows what they’re doing, “let Allah sort it out.” [more]


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3 comments on “Bombing Syria? Yeah, Let’s Think About That

  1. Duffy
    August 30, 2013

    I don’t think Sarah Palin was ever in full agreement with McCain.
    OB is most likely a closet Muslim. I wouldn’t have said that even a year ago as I also think he leans communistic.
    As far as the middle east. I want us to stay out of it, period! Let the, you know what’s, kill each other. I’m tired of seeing our boys and girls on TV everyday without arms and legs or without a brain. Enough is enough! As I’ve said before, Bush said that we have to fight over there so they won’t come here….I’ve got news for him, McCain & Graham….THEY ARE ALREADY HERE! Let’s get out of there or wipe them out…We do have to protect Israel…..My Opinion!

  2. Pingback: FMJRA 2.0: Equinoxe : The Other McCain

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